About Us
The Whole Point
Definitions are everything. If we cannot agree on them, the rest is generally a waste of time and taxpayer money; it’s also a missed opportunity. As individuals and as a country, we should always strive to be our best version. As a country, it does not appear that we are on that path. The very least we can do, right now, is swim upstream and help get us back on track by exploring and sharing the insights we gather along the way.
What To Expect?
Where any current events exist that involve a definitional issue, it will be fair game around here; needless to say, we have a ton of material to think and write about. We will start you off with the main definitional issue: investing. Arguably the most misunderstood word of all time, we are inviting you into a world where everything looks drastically different once you restore the word to its original, much narrower interpretation.
Who Is This Blog For?
Anybody who is interested in financial truths and their monetary implications: investors, asset managers, reporters pursuing interesting stories, policymakers, regulators, researchers and all inquiring minds.
Why This Name For the Newsletter?
F is for Finance and 27 is for 2027. Our goal is to start a conversation and lead society to a consensus by the end of 2027. Not complete solutions, mind you, that will take society longer. But at least to a consensus on the starting point: definitions. Four years seems like a reasonable time frame as it is long enough to achieve something meaningful together, but short enough to feel some urgency and act on it.
What Happens In 2027?
Now that society is able to build consensus on definitions, we will move to the implementation phase and take the lead on how we can make finance work for all.
Talk To Me About Your Logo.
Our logo represents the idea that consensus on definitions, symbolized by the handshake, is the only path to full prosperity, symbolized by the color green.
Who Are You?
We believe in:
Critical thinking (We assume absolutely nothing);
Self-honesty (We try to go where the arguments take us); and
Context (Why something happened is just as important as what happened)
Validation is nice, but honestly, it’s not what drives us. Assuming we had the opportunity to think about something and establish a position, it doesn’t matter to us if the whole world is on the other side. It takes us a great deal of time to reach that level of conviction, but when we do, popularity is not a concern.
We really do believe that Oscar Wilde was onto something when he said:
“Popularity is the crown of laurel which the world puts on bad art. Whatever is popular is wrong.”
Our pet peeves:
Outright disregard for the facts & unsound reasoning (the most profound problems of current times)
Inconsistent positions (We believe society lets flip-flopping off the hook too easily);
Situational ethics (It should be principles over self-interest, not the other way around).
Thus, we will make a point of calling this type of behavior out. Again, it gives us a ton to think and write about. Will it matter? We shall see.
Why Should I Subscribe?
Because knowledge is power. When language becomes the biggest thief reaching into YOUR pocket, you need to look out for yourself. Within reason, you are free to do what you want with your hard-earned money, but first, society owes you honesty, transparency and full disclosure. Let us be your guide.
What Else Do You Write?
Full Court Press, a legal insights newsletter. Over there, we explore legal implications of what are largely economic/financial phenomena. In fact, we think law is at its best when it applies a multi-disciplinary view, including economics/finance, history and logic.
We have other publications queued up in the pipeline including a book. More to come!